Aims and Activities

  • Continuous exchange of ideas, concerns, experience and expertise among Members on matters of Operational Safety and Efficiency in a non-commercial environment
  • DBTG, the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) and the Coal Export Terminal Operators Association (CETOA) participate at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other United Nations Committees through the specially-created joint venture device, the International Dry Bulk Terminals Association (IBTA). This is organised through the DBTG Secretariat.
  • IBTA continues to participate in the IMO Working and Correspondence Groups
  • IBTA is actively involved in the United Nations Global Harmonized System of the Classification of Chemicals Working and Correspondence Groups
  • Development of appropriate training schemes
  • Continuous monitoring of ship/port interface matters. Outreach to emphasise the impact of bulk carrier design on the safe operation of terminals and the need for vessels to be suitable to their operational environment
  • Expanding use of DBTG’s confidential Mutual Safety Exchange.
  • Operational and Safety Benchmarking among Members
  • Further development of the Group’s Bulk Carrier Handling Data Exchange
  • Continuing close co-operation with organizations such as CETOA, Unistock, NAEGA and the International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA), especially at intergovernmental level
  • Continuous drive to create the widest possible awareness of the Group’s aims and activities and to increase membership world-wide
  • Continuous development of the Group web site facilities and features
  • Development of the Group’s administrative resources to ensure continuous high levels of service to Members, to fulfil development opportunities and ensure long term sustainability